Congratulations to the 5 finalists of the 2020 GRAAL Award!

Congratulations to the 5 finalists of the 2020 GRAAL Award!

Here are the projects/teams nominated (in alphabetical order by project):

Annulation de Paiement de Factures (Fédération des Caisses Desjardins - Christine Roy et son équipe); 
Authentification et sécurité pour Accès –D (Desjardins - Nabil Berrhouma et son équipe);
Espace CRC (Centre des Relations Clientèle) (Mouvement Desjardins - Philippe Campagnie et son équipe);
Évolution de la Ristourne aux Membres (Mouvement Desjardins - Serge Therriault et son équipe);
Octroi Cinq Jours –Simplification du processus d’octroi de Crédit (Desjardins Entreprises - Alejandro Flores Maso et son équipe).

Who will be the grand winner? 

Please reserve June 22nd, 2020 in your calendars to find out! 
Come meet the finalists and applaud the 3 winners (grand winner, 2nd and 3rd place) who will be announced during this special ZOOM meeting! 
The link to reserve your place will be published in the IIBA Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa/Outaouais web sites as well as in LinkedIn and Eventbrite in the next few days. 

Please join us!